





Osaka has long prospered as an important hub in Japan. In ancient times, it was called “Naniwa” and was temporarily the capital during the Nara period. In the 7th century, Naniwa-kyō was constructed, becoming a center of trade and culture.


In the medieval period, its role as a port town strengthened. During the Muromachi period, the port town of Sakai flourished, and commercial and cultural exchanges thrived. During this time, Osaka became a hub for trade both domestically and internationally, attracting many merchants.



During the Azuchi-Momoyama period, Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi turned their attention to Osaka. In 1583, Toyotomi Hideyoshi built Osaka Castle, making Osaka a political and military center. Osaka Castle boasted a grand scale and attracted many warlords.


After Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s death, Osaka fell into the hands of Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the fierce battles of the Siege of Osaka (1614-1615) took place. As a result of these battles, Osaka Castle was destroyed, and Osaka was rebuilt as a commercial center once again.



During the Edo period, Osaka was known as the “nation’s kitchen” and became a center of commerce and economy. Many merchants gathered in Osaka, engaging in active trade of rice, fish, textiles, and more. The areas known as the Three Great Markets of Osaka (Osaka, Semba, and Tenma) developed, with many markets and shops lining the streets.


Culturally, Osaka also flourished. Traditional performing arts such as Kabuki and Bunraku (puppet theater) became popular, and many theaters were built. Education and scholarship developed, leading to the blossoming of merchant culture.



After the Meiji Restoration in 1868, Osaka developed as an industrial city. Riding the wave of modernization, railways and port facilities were improved, and many factories were built. Osaka became the center of Japan’s industry, attracting many people seeking work.


Osaka also continued to develop commercially. The Osaka Chamber of Commerce (now the Osaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry) was established, attracting many merchants. Busy shopping districts like Shinsaibashi and Dotonbori developed, bustling with activity.



The Taisho period (1912-1926) was a time of further prosperity for Osaka. During this period, modern buildings and department stores were constructed one after another. Osaka established its position as the economic center of Japan, with many companies and banks setting up their headquarters there.


Culturally, Osaka was also vibrant. Movies, jazz, and cafe culture spread, attracting many young people. Taisho-period Osaka was known as a city rich in both economic and cultural aspects.



The Showa period (1926-1989) was a tumultuous time for Osaka. During World War II, Osaka was subjected to repeated air raids, and many buildings were destroyed. After the war, Osaka was rebuilt at an astonishing speed, regaining its prosperity.


During the post-war reconstruction period, the Osaka Expo (1970) was held, attracting international attention. This expo symbolized Japan’s economic growth and further elevated Osaka’s status as a city.



Today, Osaka is known as Japan’s second city, a center of economy, culture, and tourism. It attracts many tourists, with popular attractions such as Osaka Castle, Dotonbori, and Universal Studios Japan. Osaka is also famous for its cuisine, offering delights such as takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and kushikatsu.


Osaka is constantly evolving. With new technologies and infrastructure developments, it is expected to become an even more convenient and livable city. Osaka is actively working on future city-building, including the latest transportation systems and smart city initiatives.



Osaka will continue to evolve in the future. With the introduction of new technologies and innovations, the city’s attractiveness is expected to increase even further. For example, advancements in autonomous vehicles and robotics will improve transportation efficiency and enhance convenience in daily life.


Furthermore, there are expectations for the expansion of the tourism industry and commercial facilities. Osaka’s attractive tourist spots and shopping areas will further develop, attracting visitors from both domestic and international destinations. This will lead to the revitalization of the local economy and the creation of job opportunities.


Osaka is a city with diverse culture and rich history. Leveraging this diversity, it is expected to strengthen its role as a hub for international exchange and cultural interaction. With an increase in foreign tourists and international students, Osaka’s international appeal is expected to further enhance.


Future Osaka will also focus on sustainable urban development and the formation of local communities. Efforts will be made to promote environmental protection and the healthy development of local communities, aiming to improve the quality of life for residents.


The future of Osaka is bright, and we look forward to its continued development. Through new challenges and innovations, a more attractive and vibrant city will be built.

