
【英語多読練習】(2024年6月23日)Business News Today


経済ニュース – 2024年6月23日

1. 世界経済の安定化

Japanese: 世界銀行によると、世界経済は3年ぶりに安定化の兆しを見せています。2024年の成長率は2.6%と予測されており、これは最近の歴史的標準に比べて弱いものの、安定した成長を示しています。世界の主要経済国では、アメリカと中国の経済成長が特に注目されています。アメリカでは、消費支出の増加と雇用の改善が経済を支えていますが、中国では、政府のインフラ投資と製造業の回復が経済成長を促進しています。


English: The World Bank reports that the global economy is stabilizing for the first time in three years, projecting a growth rate of 2.6% for 2024. Although this is weaker compared to recent historical standards, it indicates steady growth. The major global economies, particularly the United States and China, are drawing attention. In the US, increased consumer spending and job improvements are supporting the economy, while in China, government infrastructure investments and a recovery in manufacturing are driving economic growth.

The World Bank forecasts that advanced economies will see an average growth rate of 1.8%, whereas emerging markets and developing countries are expected to reach 4.0%. This growth is primarily due to heightened economic activities in countries like India and Brazil. Additionally, improvements in global supply chains and increased international trade are contributing to the stabilization of the global economy.

Read more on World Bank

2. アメリカの経済状況

Japanese: 2024年の中間地点において、アメリカ経済は連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)のインフレ抑制の取り組みによって調整されています。インフレ率を低く保ちながら景気後退を避けるため、FRBは高金利政策を維持しています。この結果、消費者信頼感の回復と住宅市場の安定が見られます。また、テクノロジーおよびヘルスケアセクターの強いパフォーマンスも、経済成長を支えています。


English: At the midpoint of 2024, the US economy is being adjusted by the Federal Reserve’s (FRB) efforts to curb inflation. To maintain low inflation rates while avoiding a recession, the FRB continues to uphold a high-interest-rate policy. This has resulted in a recovery in consumer confidence and stabilization of the housing market. Additionally, strong performance in the technology and healthcare sectors is supporting economic growth.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for May 2024 rose by 3.3% year-on-year. Furthermore, wages for civilian workers increased by 1.2% from December 2023 to March 2024, with employment continuing to rise. This suggests that the US economy is on track for stable growth.

Read more on Mercatus Center

3. 世界経済見通し

Japanese: 国際通貨基金(IMF)は、2024年の世界経済成長率を3.2%と予測しています。先進国では成長が1.7%に増加する一方、新興市場と発展途上国では4.2%に減少する見込みです。また、世界のインフレ率は2023年の6.8%から2024年には5.9%に減少すると予測されています。この予測は、エネルギー価格の低下と供給チェーンの改善によるものです。


English: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts a global economic growth rate of 3.2% for 2024. Growth in advanced economies is expected to increase to 1.7%, while emerging markets and developing countries are projected to decrease to 4.2%. Additionally, the global inflation rate is anticipated to decline from 6.8% in 2023 to 5.9% in 2024. This forecast is attributed to lower energy prices and improved supply chains.

The IMF urges governments to continue fiscal stimulus measures and structural reforms, particularly emphasizing the importance of climate change mitigation and digital transformation. Furthermore, the IMF highlights the need to address debt sustainability and financial market stability in emerging market economies.

Read more on IMF

4. OECD経済見通し

Japanese: 経済協力開発機構(OECD)は、エネルギー価格の低下と中国の予想より早い再開が世界経済の活動を後押ししていると報告しています。しかし、コアインフレは依然として高く、利上げの影響が経済全体に広がっていることが指摘されています。OECDは、2024年の経済成長率が3.1%に達すると予測しており、特にデジタルトランスフォーメーションとグリーンエネルギーの分野での成長が期待されています。


English: The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports that lower energy prices and a faster-than-expected reopening in China are boosting global economic activity. However, core inflation remains high, and the impact of interest rate hikes is spreading across the economy. The OECD forecasts an economic growth rate of 3.1% for 2024, with significant growth expected in the areas of digital transformation and green energy.

The OECD also emphasizes that trade liberalization and enhanced international cooperation will promote economic growth. Particularly, addressing climate change and achieving sustainable development goals are deemed essential for long-term economic stability and growth.

Read more on OECD

5. EUの経済安全保障強化

Japanese: 欧州委員会は、EUの経済安全保障を強化するための新しい措置を発表しました。これには、外国投資のスクリーニングの改善や二重用途商品の輸出管理の強化が含まれます。これらの措置は、EUがビジネスと投資にとって魅力的な場所であり続けることを目的としています。欧州委員会はまた、デジタルトランスフォーメーションと持続可能なエネルギーへの投資を促進する政策を強調しています。


English: The European Commission has announced new measures to strengthen the EU’s economic security. These include improving the screening of foreign investments and enhancing the export controls of dual-use goods. These measures aim to ensure that the EU remains an attractive place for business and investment. The European Commission also emphasizes policies that promote digital transformation and investment in sustainable energy.

The new policies include protecting high-tech industries and strengthening Europe’s strategically important infrastructure. These measures are designed to maintain the EU’s economic competitiveness and counter external risks.

Read more on European Commission

6. 中国の経済困難

Japanese: 中国経済は現在、「流動性のわな」に陥る可能性があると警告されています。これは、政府の経済刺激策に対する需要が減少し、経済成長が停滞する状態を指します。最近の一連の経済ショックは、消費者と企業の信頼を著しく低下させ、ローンの需要が減少しています。ローンは経済成長の燃料とされており、その減少は深刻な影響を及ぼします。


English: China’s economy is currently at risk of falling into a “liquidity trap,” where demand for government economic stimulus measures decreases, leading to stagnation. A series of recent economic shocks have significantly damaged the confidence of both consumers and corporate leaders, resulting in a drop in demand for loans, which are considered the fuel for economic growth.

Additionally, the Chinese government has launched a nationwide campaign to reveal “hidden debt.” This initiative aims to fully understand the liabilities at all levels of government and increase economic transparency. The campaign is led by the Ministry of Finance, which is pressing local officials to report their debt situations comprehensively. This effort is seen as a crucial step toward ensuring the health of the Chinese economy and achieving sustainable growth.

Read more on Axios | Read more on Bloomberg

7. アルゼンチン経済の低迷

Japanese: アルゼンチン経済は、中央銀行の最近のアナリスト調査によると、第三四半期までに景気後退に突入する見込みです。記録的な干ばつが農業輸出を損ない、インフレ率が114%を超えていることが消費支出を抑制しています。この経済状況は、アルゼンチン政府がインフレと戦いながら経済成長を支えるための政策を見直す必要性を示しています。


English: Argentina’s economy is expected to enter a recession by the third quarter, according to a recent analyst survey by the central bank. A record drought is undermining agricultural exports, while inflation soaring over 114% is curbing consumer spending. This economic situation indicates the need for the Argentine government to review its policies to support economic growth while combating inflation.

Inflation and high borrowing costs are suppressing business investment activities and reducing consumer purchasing power. The government is considering new policy measures to support the agricultural sector and stabilize the overall economy. However, in the short term, the economic outlook remains challenging, with many citizens experiencing financial difficulties.

Read more on Bloomberg

8. トルコリラの急落

Japanese: トルコ中央銀行が主要金利を8.5%から15%に引き上げたことにより、トルコリラは新たな安値を記録しました。この金利引き上げは、エルドアン大統領再選後のリラの価値低下を食い止めるためのものです。しかし、市場の予想を下回る引き上げ幅であり、リラの価値がさらに下落する結果となりました。この経済状況は、トルコ経済の不安定性を浮き彫りにしています。


English: The Turkish lira recorded a new low following the central bank’s decision to raise the key interest rate from 8.5% to 15%. This rate hike aimed to curb the lira’s value decline post-President Erdogan’s re-election. However, the increase fell short of market expectations, leading to a further drop in the lira’s value, highlighting the instability of the Turkish economy.

With inflation rates still high and economic growth slowing, the Turkish central bank is considering additional policy changes. The government needs to implement further reforms to stabilize the economy and promote growth.

Read more on CNBC

9. レバノンの経済危機

Japanese: レバノンでは、経済危機が続く中、多くの子供たちが家計を支えるために労働に従事しています。国連の報告によると、約90%の家庭が、基本的な生活必需品を購入するための十分な資金を持っていないと報告されています。この経済状況は、家族全体に深刻な影響を及ぼしており、特に子供たちの教育と健康に悪影響を及ぼしています。


English: In Lebanon, the ongoing economic crisis has forced many children to work to support their families. According to a UN report, about 90% of households do not have enough money to buy essential goods. This economic situation severely impacts families, particularly affecting children’s education and health.

The government is seeking international assistance to recover the economy and improve citizens’ quality of life. However, political instability and delays in economic reforms are hindering the recovery process.

Read more on Arab News

10. ジンバブエの外貨借入禁止

Japanese: ジンバブエ大統領は、中央銀行に対し、総選挙を前に外貨借入を停止するよう命じました。これは、地元通貨の下落を食い止めるための措置です。中央銀行は、これまで地域の銀行から借入を行い、輸入資金を調達してきましたが、今後は国内資源に依存することとなります。


English: Zimbabwe’s President has ordered the central bank to stop foreign currency borrowing ahead of the general elections. This measure aims to halt the decline of the local currency. The central bank has previously borrowed from regional banks to fund imports, but will now rely on domestic resources.

This policy change is expected to significantly impact Zimbabwe’s economy, particularly industries dependent on imports. The government is exploring new policy measures to stabilize and grow the economy.

Read more on Arab News

