
【英語多読練習】(2024年6月28日)Japan News Today



1. 静岡で発生した線状降水帯により土砂災害が発生

Japanese: 2024年6月28日、静岡県では線状降水帯が発生し、激しい雨が降り続いたため、多数の土砂災害が報告されました。特に伊豆地域では、土砂崩れが相次ぎ、住宅が倒壊するなどの被害が発生しています。静岡県庁は迅速に避難勧告を発令し、被災地には緊急対応チームが派遣されました。被災地では、ボランティア団体や自衛隊が協力して復旧作業を進めています。被災した住民は避難所での生活を余儀なくされており、避難所では生活必需品の配布や医療支援が行われています。静岡県の各市町村は災害対策本部を設置し、今後の雨の予報に備えて警戒を強めています。気象庁も引き続き警戒を呼びかけており、今後の雨量によってはさらなる被害が予想されるため、住民には最新の気象情報に注意するよう呼びかけています。

English: On June 28, 2024, a linear precipitation zone formed in Shizuoka Prefecture, resulting in continuous heavy rainfall and numerous landslides. Particularly in the Izu region, multiple landslides have been reported, causing house collapses and significant damage. The Shizuoka Prefectural Government swiftly issued evacuation advisories, and emergency response teams were dispatched to the affected areas. In the disaster-stricken areas, volunteer organizations and the Self-Defense Forces are collaborating on restoration efforts. Evacuated residents are forced to live in shelters where essential supplies and medical support are being provided. Municipalities in Shizuoka Prefecture have established disaster response headquarters and are increasing vigilance in anticipation of further rain. The Japan Meteorological Agency continues to urge caution, warning that additional rainfall could lead to further damage. Residents are advised to stay updated with the latest weather information​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​。

2. 日本版DBSの取り組み

Japanese: 東京都では、日本版DBS(データベース・システム)が導入され、学童の性犯罪防止に向けた取り組みが開始されました。このシステムにより、性犯罪歴のある人が学童保育施設で働くことが未然に防がれることが期待されています。都は、このシステムの導入が児童の安全確保と信頼できる教育環境の提供に重要な役割を果たすと強調しています。DBSの導入は、英国などで既に効果が実証されており、日本でも同様の成果が期待されています。教育関係者や保護者からは、安心して子供を預けられる環境が整うことに対する期待の声が上がっています。今後、他の自治体でも同様のシステム導入が検討される予定です。

English: Tokyo has introduced the Japanese version of the DBS (Database System) to prevent sexual crimes against school children. This system is expected to prevent individuals with a history of sexual offenses from working in after-school childcare facilities. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government emphasizes that the introduction of this system plays a crucial role in ensuring children’s safety and providing a reliable educational environment. The effectiveness of the DBS has already been demonstrated in countries like the UK, and similar results are anticipated in Japan. Educators and parents express high expectations for creating a safe environment for children. Other municipalities are also considering adopting similar systems in the future​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (JETRO)​。

3. 米下院中国特別委の対中政策提起

Japanese: 米下院の中国特別委員会は、半導体、造船、ドローン分野での対中政策措置の必要性を提起しました。この提案は、日本企業にも影響を及ぼす可能性があり、関連産業は対応策を検討しています。日米の経済協力が一層強化される見通しです。この提案により、半導体製造におけるサプライチェーンの再編成や、造船業における技術協力の強化が求められるとされています。さらに、ドローン技術においても、日米間での情報共有と共同開発が進められることが期待されています。

English: The U.S. House of Representatives China Special Committee has proposed the need for policy measures against China in the semiconductor, shipbuilding, and drone sectors. This proposal may also affect Japanese companies, and related industries are considering response measures. Economic cooperation between Japan and the United States is expected to be further strengthened. The proposal calls for the reorganization of supply chains in semiconductor manufacturing and enhanced technical cooperation in the shipbuilding industry. Additionally, it is anticipated that information sharing and joint development in drone technology will be promoted between Japan and the United States​ (JETRO)​。

4. 両陛下のオックスフォード訪問

Japanese: 天皇皇后両陛下がオックスフォード大学を訪問し、学生との交流や学術的な議論を行いました。訪問の目的は、日英間の文化交流と教育分野での協力強化です。両陛下は、大学図書館や研究施設を視察し、研究者たちとの意見交換も行いました。また、両陛下は日本の伝統文化を紹介する講演も行い、現地の学生や教職員から大きな反響を呼びました。今回の訪問は、日英関係の深化に寄与するものとして高く評価されています。

English: Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress visited Oxford University, engaging in interactions with students and academic discussions. The purpose of the visit is to strengthen cultural exchanges and cooperation in the field of education between Japan and the UK. Their Majesties toured the university’s library and research facilities and exchanged views with researchers. Additionally, they gave a lecture introducing Japanese traditional culture, which received a great response from local students and faculty. This visit is highly regarded as contributing to the deepening of Japan-UK relations​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​。

5. 米FRBの財務健全性審査

Japanese: 米連邦準備制度理事会(FRB)が大手金融機関31行の財務健全性審査を実施し、全行が基準をクリアしました。この結果、日本の金融市場にも影響を与える可能性があり、投資家は安心感を持っています。FRBの審査結果は、金融機関の経営健全性を確認する重要な指標とされており、日本の金融機関も同様の基準を参考にしています。今後、米国の金融政策動向が日本の金融市場に与える影響について、専門家の間で注目が集まっています。

English: The U.S. Federal Reserve (FRB) conducted a financial soundness review of 31 major financial institutions, all of which met the standards. This outcome may also impact Japan’s financial markets, providing reassurance to investors. The FRB’s review results are considered an important indicator of the soundness of financial institutions, and Japanese financial institutions also refer to similar standards. Experts are closely watching how future U.S. monetary policy trends will affect Japan’s financial markets​ (JETRO)​。

6. 大阪関西万博の準備進む

Japanese: 2025年に開催される大阪関西万博の準備が進んでいます。此花区では、万博会場の建設が進行中で、地域の活性化に期待が寄せられています。地元住民や企業が協力して、万博を成功に導くための様々な取り組みが行われています。万博のテーマである「未来社会のデザイン」に基づき、最新技術や持続可能な社会の実現に向けた展示が計画されています。また、観光産業の振興も期待されており、大阪市は観光客誘致のためのインフラ整備を進めています。

English: Preparations for the Osaka-Kansai Expo 2025 are underway. In Konohana Ward, the construction of the Expo site is in progress, with expectations for regional revitalization. Local residents and businesses are cooperating in various efforts to make the Expo a success. Based on the Expo’s theme of “Designing Future Society,” exhibits showcasing the latest technologies and sustainable society initiatives are planned. The tourism industry is also expected to benefit, and Osaka City is advancing infrastructure development to attract tourists​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​。

7. 円安の進行と政府の対応

Japanese: 円安が止まらず、政府は為替市場への介入を検討しています。2024年6月28日、円の価値は1ドル=145円台にまで下落し、過去20年間で最も低い水準に達しました。円安の進行は輸出産業にとっては有利ですが、輸入コストの増加が懸念され、特にエネルギーや食品価格の高騰が家計を圧迫しています。政府は、円安の影響を緩和するための政策を模索しており、特に中小企業への支援策や消費者への負担軽減措置を検討しています。


English: The yen continues to weaken, prompting the government to consider intervening in the foreign exchange market. On June 28, 2024, the yen’s value dropped to the 145 yen per dollar level, reaching its lowest point in the past 20 years. While the depreciation of the yen benefits the export industry, there are concerns about rising import costs, especially the soaring prices of energy and food, which are putting pressure on household budgets. The government is exploring policies to mitigate the impact of yen depreciation, particularly considering support measures for small and medium-sized enterprises and measures to reduce the burden on consumers.

The government’s intervention plans include direct intervention in the foreign exchange market and potential interest rate hikes by the Bank of Japan. Additionally, the Ministry of Finance plans to strengthen international cooperation, raising the issue of yen depreciation at international meetings such as the G7 and G20. To address the soaring energy prices, the government is also reviewing its energy policies and promoting the widespread use of renewable energy. Through these measures, the government aims to minimize the adverse effects of yen depreciation and ensure economic stability​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (JETRO)​。

8. 日本版紅麹問題

Japanese: 日本版紅麹問題が再び注目されています。紅麹を使用した健康食品が原因とされる死亡例が76件報告され、因果関係の調査が行われています。消費者庁と厚生労働省は、この問題に対する厳しい規制を求められており、紅麹を使用した製品の安全性評価を徹底的に行うことを発表しました。特に、高齢者や持病のある人が紅麹製品を摂取するリスクが指摘されており、消費者への注意喚起が強化されています。


English: The Japanese red yeast rice issue is once again in the spotlight. There have been 76 reported deaths linked to health foods using red yeast rice, and investigations are underway to determine causality. The Consumer Affairs Agency and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare are called upon to impose strict regulations in response to this issue, announcing a thorough safety evaluation of products using red yeast rice. The risks associated with the consumption of red yeast rice products, especially for the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, have been highlighted, leading to strengthened consumer warnings.

Depending on the investigation results, there could be restrictions on the sale of red yeast rice products and potential recall measures. Consumer advocacy groups are demanding transparency and the release of safety information regarding health foods, emphasizing the importance of ensuring consumer trust. Additionally, a review of the scientific evidence supporting the benefits of red yeast rice is underway, aiming for proper usage and safety assurance​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (JETRO)​。

9. 日本と韓国の水素サプライチェーン協力

Japanese: 日本と韓国の産業通商担当相が会談し、水素サプライチェーン協力の拡大について合意しました。この協力により、両国のエネルギー安全保障が強化されると期待されています。会談では、水素の生産、輸送、利用に関する具体的な協力プランが議論されました。特に、両国の企業が連携して水素関連技術の研究開発を進めることが重要視されています。また、水素ステーションの整備や水素燃料電池車の普及促進に向けた共同プロジェクトも計画されています。


English: The industry and trade ministers of Japan and South Korea held talks and agreed to expand cooperation on the hydrogen supply chain. This cooperation is expected to enhance energy security for both countries. During the talks, specific cooperation plans regarding the production, transportation, and utilization of hydrogen were discussed. The importance of joint research and development of hydrogen-related technologies by companies from both countries was emphasized. Additionally, joint projects for the establishment of hydrogen stations and the promotion of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are planned.

This cooperation is seen as a significant step toward achieving a decarbonized society, with expectations for reducing environmental impact and improving energy self-sufficiency. Japan and South Korea aim to contribute to the formation of an international hydrogen market, also considering cooperation with other countries. As specific projects progress, it is expected that the technological capabilities and market competitiveness of both countries will be further strengthened​ (JETRO)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​。

10. 九州での激しい雨

Japanese: 九州地方で激しい雨が降り続き、洪水や土砂災害のリスクが高まっています。地方自治体は避難指示を出し、住民の安全確保に努めています。特に、福岡県や熊本県では河川の氾濫が懸念され、多くの住民が避難所に避難しています。自衛隊や消防団も出動し、被災地での救助活動が進められています。被災者支援として、各地で物資の提供や炊き出しが行われており、ボランティア団体も支援活動に参加しています。


English: Heavy rain continues to fall in the Kyushu region, increasing the risk of floods and landslides. Local governments have issued evacuation orders and are working to ensure residents’ safety. Particularly in Fukuoka and Kumamoto Prefectures, river flooding is a concern, and many residents have evacuated to shelters. The Self-Defense Forces and fire brigades have been dispatched to conduct rescue operations in the affected areas. As part of disaster relief efforts, supplies and food are being provided, and volunteer organizations are participating in support activities.

The Japan Meteorological Agency predicts continued heavy rainfall intermittently and continues to urge caution. The Kyushu region has experienced similar heavy rain disasters in the past, and local residents remain highly vigilant. Local governments are reviewing disaster communication and evacuation plans, emphasizing measures that prioritize residents’ safety​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​​ (NHK | 日本放送協会)​。

